Respiratory tract fungi in tuberculosis patient: A case study in Palembang Public Health laboratory center
Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a primarily pulmonary infectious disease spread via airborne transmission when individuals with active TB cough, talk, or sneeze. Despite longstanding TB control efforts in Indonesia, the incidence remains high, with approximately 845,000 cases annually. Prolonged use of anti-TB drugs or treatments for multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), which often include immunosuppressive agents, can predispose patients to fungal infections. These infections may occur early in the disease course but are often overlooked, leading to prolonged recovery due to fungal coinfections. This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of TB patients by age, gender, and type of fungi, and to examine the relationship between fungal types and sputum characteristics (color, viscosity, and presence of blood). Using a cross-sectional design, 98 sputum samples were collected through accidental sampling. Among patients, 81 (82.7%) were adults, and 63 (64.3%) were male. Fungal analysis revealed Candida sp. in 41 (41.9%) samples, Aspergillus sp. in 9 (9.1%), mixed fungal infections in 17 (17.3%), and no fungi in 31 (31.7%). No significant association was found between fungal type and sputum characteristics (mucopurulent color, viscosity, and hemoptysis). The absence of a significant association between fungal type and sputum characteristics suggests that clinical features alone may not reliably indicate fungal coinfections in TB patients. This highlights the need for routine laboratory-based fungal diagnostics to ensure early detection and appropriate management, thereby improving treatment outcomes.
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