Preprints, preprint servers, and early reporting of scholarly work

We support the need for authors to share early versions of their work before peer-review publication.

Preprints and preprint servers

A preprint is your article before you have submitted it to a journal for peer review. Preprint servers are online repositories that enable you to post this early version of your research paper online.

If you upload your AOM to a non-commercial preprint server, you can subsequently submit the manuscript to Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium. We do not consider posting on a preprint server to be duplicate publication and this will not jeopardize consideration for publication.

If you’ve posted your AOM to a preprint server, we ask that, upon acceptance, you acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication as follows:

“This article has been accepted for publication in "Jurnal Teknologi”

After publication please update your preprint, adding the following text to encourage others to read and cite the final published version of your article (the “Version of Record”):

“This is an original manuscript of an article published by Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium on [date of publication], available online:[Article DOI].”
