Data availability and deposition

The Journal of Laboratory Technology supports a number of open data initiatives and offers a set of data-sharing policies for the journal. Once your article is published, you can still distribute it but must not change any form of what the journal has published.

Data sharing policy

Are you submitting your paper to the Journal of Laboratory Technology, and is there a data set associated with your work? The journal has a data-sharing policy that states how the data associated with your article should be shared.

Data repository

A data repository is a repository for researchers to store data sets related to their research. And if you are an author who wants to comply with the journal's data-sharing policy, you must identify an appropriate repository for your data.

Community-backed public repositories

If there is a community-backed mandate for data submission to a public repository, authors should submit the data set to the appropriate repository and provide the accession number (if any) in the paper. Examples of community-supported repositories are public repositories such as GenBank.
You can also use Zenodo, RINARVIX or others.

Images and figures

You should only use figures and numbers in your article if they are relevant and valuable to the work being reported. Please avoid adding this type of content that is merely illustrative and does not add value to the scientific work. Please ensure that your figures and images are clearly readable. You should submit them separately from the main text.
